BSII Executive Education


Training consists of class lectures and interactive casework, participants will increase their depth of knowledge in key areas of wealth and financial management.

The use of case study compels student to come to terms with a wide range of issues that directly impact all client's having significant wealth. Participants will call upon both their own experiences, as well as knowledge gained during the week, to solve the problems presented. Learning is enhanced by the continual exchange between students and instructors.

The use of case study compels student to come to terms with a wide range of issues that directly impact all client's having significant wealth. Participants will call upon both their own experiences, as well as knowledge gained during the week, to solve the problems presented. Learning is enhanced by the continual exchange between students and instructors.

The use of case study compels student to come to terms with a wide range of issues that directly impact all clients having significant wealth. Participants will call upon both their own experiences, as well as knowledge gained during the week, to solve the problems presented. Learning is enhanced by the continual exchange between students and instructors.

Business Services International, Inc.* 22 East Church Street * Martinsville, VA 24112

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wealth manager, paris hilton, trust planner, games cheat, estate planner, google, compliance, jessica simpson, investment professional, mapquest, designation, ebay, certification, yahoo, executive education, jenna jameson, securities, carmen electra

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wealth manager, paris hilton, trust planner, games cheat, estate planner, google, compliance, jessica simpson, investment professional, mapquest, designation, ebay, certification, yahoo, executive education, jenna jameson, securities, carmen electra

wealth manager, paris hilton, trust planner, games cheat, estate planner, google, compliance, jessica simpson, investment professional, mapquest, designation, ebay, certification, yahoo, executive education, jenna jameson, securities, carmen electra