BSII Executive Education

Certified Compliance Analyst Anti-money Laundering (CCA)

A Credential offered for those who desire an Anti Money Laundering and Compliance designation.


Certified Compliance Analystt 

Issuing Organization:




Prerequesites/Experience Required:

Candidate has three or more years of wealth management experience.

Educational Requirements:

Eligible candidates must successfully complete the RSOF / AAFM Executive Certification training course. Have an AAFM-approved degree (graduate or undergraduate) in finance, tax, accounting, financial services, law or a CPA, MBA, MS, PhD, or JD from an accredited school or organization.

Examination Type:


Continuing Education/Experience Requirements:

15 hours per year

Investor Complaint Process:

Online complaint submission

Public Disciplinary Process:


Check Professional's Status Online:

Online complaint submission

This course for bankers, trust officers, compliance officers and advisors covers Global Anti-Money Laundering and provides an in-depth comparative study of U.S. and foreign national legal responses and international responses to the problems of money laundering, economic crime, cyber-sabotage and terrorism.  A comparative survey of major countries, i.e., United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, is undertaken.  Issues include the history of financial crimes and their regulation, methods of money laundering, the interaction of organized crime groups and economic crime, the uses and abuses of offshore financial centers, cyber-sabotage, the U.S. law of money laundering and asset forfeiture with particular focus on the recent USA Patriot Act and international configurations.  Thus, the course is an analysis of the international regulation of money movements.  The student also learns the increasing role that the tax counsel plays in compliance, due diligence investigations and the consequent civil and criminal liabilities and ethical questions.   

This course also focuses on The Caribbean and Latin America. This course provides in-depth analysis of the international regulation of money movements with particular regard to Latin America and The Caribbean. The student continues to explore the due diligence investigations of politically exposed persons, potential tax evaders and their counsel, and the required filing of information with regulatory authorities, including "no tipping off" rules.

We will also explore treaties designed to curb the international flow of "flying money". In addition we will examine the new typologies for money launders as well as some of the old tried and true washing methods of transforming illicit money into respectable money. A portion of our time will be devoted to an examination of what is considered to be the main event in this arena: the laws designed to take the profit from the criminal. This will invoke, in part, examining the weapon we know as asset forfeiture and a new weapon which has emerged within the boardrooms of organized crime: cyber crime.

Business Services International, Inc.* 22 East Church Street * Martinsville, VA 24112

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